Weekend Reads

February 2023

This Week on the Lindy Newsletter

This week is all about Age-Gap relationships.

I wrote about how they will be coming back in the near future.

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Weekend Reads

Contemporary social media is not that old. We’re in the first or second generation of young people having to grow up with it. CDC reports record levels of sadness in teen girls. Bullying, exposed to adult content, comparing yourself to others, drama, all have one consistent source: social media and cell phone apps. This isn’t just an American thing, the smart phone and social media are destroying the mental health of teen girls in Europe, Korea and Japan as well.

Great thread on all the moving pieces that are involved with charging a price.

Every time I drive out of the city I notice every other car is a truck or SUV. People tell me it’s for hauling kids and things, but people used to do that with Sedans. I think we get used to the present, but if you go back 10-20 years, that wasn’t the case at all. It makes sense, the roads are wide and there is tons of space. Here is a basketball player angry about traffic in Brooklyn.

Clothes used to be incredibly expensive up until just recently. This cheap clothes era is very new. Even in 1930 it was 11 percent of your income. This was after the industrial revolution.

This historian did a deep dive on how expensive clothes were in the middle ages.

Airbnb nightly rates shot up 36% in 3 years. I prefer AirBnb for medium term (> 1 week < 1 month) stays where you often get some sort of discount and the cleaning fees aren't so outlandish on a per-day basis.

Michael Bonner writes on how the world looked like in 620AD. A few years before the Arab invasions which changed how the world looked and made our modern world.

We finally figured out what specific substances Ancient Egyptians use dto embalm mummys. It turns out, Ancient Egyptian embalmers had a sophisticated understanding of the raw materials’ properties. Many of the resins had antimicrobial properties — one bowl containing elemi and animal fat was inscribed “to make his odour pleasant” — or characteristics that promoted preservation.

They should bring back these car designs

Is there a hanging out crisis happening?

Burberry rebranded their logo. They went back to their original one. It looks better than minimalist logos you usually see.

Peru Travel Vlog

Fossil Fuel revenues are up. Our renewable energy future is far away. Saudi Arabia has a lot of money and they are building all types of things. Like a 100 mile thin line city. Or this:

An interesting sign
