Weekend Reads

October 2022

This Week on The Lindy Newsletter

Sports gambling recently was legalized in most of the United States. This year it really went mainstream as games are bombarded with gambling ads with odds on how you can easily place a bet with your phone. This is all very new:

This article discusses the history of gambling in sports

Why was it illegal in America for most of the 20th century?

And what we can expect in the future. Will gambling become like drugs with record overdoses? Click Here to read more...

Weekend Reads

Elon Musk completed his 44 billion dollar deal for Twitter. Why did he buy Twitter? I'm not sure. He claims 'he wants to protect the digital town square' for civilization. Alternatively, he is now one of the few people on earth who cannot be censored. He will always have a platform. Of course, the platform is subject to the minority rule. It takes only a small minority/group to make a population submit to their preferences. If a big group of influential twitter users migrate to a new platform en-masse, the crowd will follow.

A nice thread on the success of Costco and how it makes its money.

ProPublica gives a lot more credence to the lab leak theory, says it happened in Nov 2019 and Xi himself was involved

Canada is running an interesting experiment. America seems to cycle between pro and anti-immigration sentiment but Canada is embracing as many immigrants as possible. Almost a quarter of Canada's population are immigrants — who now account for their largest share of the population in the country's history, according to new census data from Statistics Canada. Similarly, in 2021, 29.1% of Australia's population was born overseas. So immigrants or permanent residents. Just as a point of comparison, USA had an immigrant share of population of ~14% from 1860 to 1920, dropping steadily to ~5% in the '70s, and then rising steadily to ~14% today.

What happened to movies that are comedies? It seemed like every other movie that was released in theaters when I was growing up was a comedy. Now? Not so much.

Last year Darrel Brooks drove his car through a parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin. His trial just ended, with the jury finding him guilty of all counts of intentional homicide. However, he decided to represent himself in court. It is bizarre viewing seeing someone who is pretending to act like how he thinks an attorney would act in court.

A travel video on visiting Afghanistan in October.

One painting for every year in the 19th century
