Weekend Reads

January 2023

This Week on the Lindy Newsletter

There has been an obvious but gradual causalization of the American wardrobe during the past 25 years. But it's accelerated pretty fast since about 2019. Back in 2018 my offices policy business wear and then we had casual wear every Friday. Then became casual every day. Clothes appropriate domains don't seem to exist anymore.

We tend to think that American cities are bad for walking, but that is not the case. Chris Arnade walks around Amman, Jordan with pictures.

Buzzfeed announced they will be leveraging ChatGPT, the new AI language tool to write articles for them. Ultimately, most of the internet writing you will see in the future that come from corporations will be from AI. Their stock tripled overnight. People often say this will only apply to generic writing which be duplicated by chatgpt -- but even new original writing will be harvested by chatgpt and served up ad nausem, turning it into the generic writing of tomorrow.

An underrated book that comes up every now and then is Stud Turkels’ “Working”. 60 years ago, he conducted interviews with a variety of people who worked different professions in Chicago and published it. Here is an excerpt from a truck driver who drove trucks before and after the massive expressway expansion in the United States.

Erik Hoel lives on in a lake house with his family. He works from home. He wrote an article asking why people who consider themselves pro-family are not talking about.

A mafia kingpin and a polygamous Mormon engineer joined forces with a bent Beverly Hills lawyer to bilk taxpayers out of half a billion dollars in clean-energy subsidies

This new library is a nice example of refinement culture. A place that has the same aesthetic of an airport, dentist’s office, and what new architecture looks like.

What’s happening with tipping? It’s always been a part of American society, and doesn’t exist in other parts of the world. But it’s changed lately. Every place I go now has this little screen that gives you a choice to tip and it starts at 20%. People felt sorry for food and retail workers during covid and now, the enhanced tipping culture is locked in.

Looks better than a coffee machine

Interesting collection

A 45-year-old biotech CEO may have reduced his biological age by at least 5 years through a rigorous medical program that can cost up to $2 million a year. People don’t want to get old and die anymore. A lot of resources are going into living as long as possible. I wrote a piece about this trend:
